Marc Behrens Aktiengesellschaft, Namensaktie über EURO 100,-
[Marc Behrens Incorporation, Nominal Share of EURO 100,-]
multiple, edition of 100 copies (a 0.75 liter bottle of 2006 Bacharacher Wolfshöhle Mittelrhein Riesling Spätlese trocken, and a contract in wooden box with branding)


The Marc Behrens Aktiengesellschaft [incorporation] is founded December 1st, 2007, with Frankfurt am Main as business location, as well as under:
This incorporation as well as the shares issued as a whole are an artwork. It is therefore not subject to the Deutsches Aktiengesetz (AktG) [German corporation law].
The activity of the incorporation consists in the promotion and sponsorship of the production of artworks, executed by the executive board. Marc Behrens is the sole member of the executive board.

The nominal value of a single share is EURO 100,-.
The edition features 100 copies.
The single, indivisible share has the form of a wine bottle, labelled on both sides, in a wooden box, as nominal share (personalized to the shareholder’s name and birth date). The bottle contains 0.75 liters of 2006 Bacharacher Wolfshöhle Mittelrhein Riesling Spätlese trocken, authorized by the executive board.
The wine was made by Marco Hofmann (bottled at property A. P. Nr. 1698227507 by Weinbauern Hofmann & Sturm) in the town of Bacharach am Rhein, in a district called Steeg. The vineyard site is named «Bacharacher Wolfshöhle» – one of the greatest ones in the Mittelrhein growing region.

When the nominal value was claimed by consuming the wine contained in the share, the record in the share register will be changed into «transformed into equity capital». The deposit adequate to the nominal value of the share will thereby be transferred to the issuer as capital gain. While consuming the wine the shareholder has the right to reflect on the concerns and ideas recorded on each respective bottle — alone or in pleasant company.

A dividend will be distributed, independent from the cycle of fiscal years, at a moment in time to be defined at the general assembly, in the form of a special experience. The executive board is bound to make proposals about the nature of this experience, which can be discussed within the framework of the general assembly.
It can make proposals of any kind that appears reasonable, for example a concert at an exceptional location, exclusive to the shareholders. A distribution of the dividend in monetary form is excluded.

The returns from the sale of the shares is meant to be spent to produce a book about Marc Behrens’ art works (objects and installations). If this project succeeds, each shareholder will receive a copy of the book.

The Marc Behrens Aktiengesellschaft hopes to be able to get you interested in buying one or even multiple shares. The shares are up for sale from December 1st, 2007.

The Marc Behrens Aktiengesellschaft was liquidated in June 2020. Bonuses were fully paid out to the shareholders. The validity period of all contracts with the Marc Behrens Aktiengesellschaft has ended.

German version

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