2021 Imperfect Partners audiovisual installation (21. August – 16. September 2021: Kunstkeller des Weinguts Georg Müller Stiftung, Eltville am Rhein, Germany) The installation deals with the Zasmidium cellare fungus, which is typical for European wine cellars. The sound of wine fermentation, computer controlled percussion, spoken word and video footage of the fungus create a multi-layered artwork. Part of the Klangkunst in Industriekultur program during the Tage der Industriekultur regional showcase. A cooperation by Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain and KulturRegion FrankfurtRheinMain. Programming: Tobias Hagedorn. Acknowledgements: Weingut Georg Müller Stiftung (Eltville-Hattenheim), Weingut Marco Hofmann (Bacharach), Weingut Ratzenberger (Bacharach), Stefan Fricke (hr2-kultur), Carlo Kurth, Annesley Black Images, from above: 1, 3, 5, 7 © 2021 Marc Behrens 2, 4, 6 © 2021 Alexander Paul Englert |